In order to improve the fidelity of the 6dof motion platform vehicle simulator in simulating the motion sensation of real vehicles, a variable input washout algorithm is proposed combined with the classic washout algorithm. According to the simulator motion space, the input signal of the classic washout algorithm is divided and transformed according to the amplitude. High-amplitude input signals are scaled to prevent exceeding the platform motion space: low-amplitude input signals are multiplied by a time-varying proportional coefficient. The time-varying proportional coefficient is determined using a fuzzy adaptive algorithm, based on the human body's motion sensation on the motion simulator. , the human body's motion sensation on the vehicle and the input signal, the input, output and fuzzy control rules of the fuzzy controller are selected. Taking the simulation of vehicle longitudinal acceleration as an example, the simulation results show that using the variable input washout algorithm can not only limit the platform to the motion space of the platform, but also make full use of the platform's motion capabilities, improving the realistic motion simulation. Spend.